Healthcare Providers

Why At-Home Addiction Treatment?

A fundamental tenant of SUD treatment is the concept of a holistic approach to the individual seeking addiction treatment. We consider the entirety of an individual’s life and history from many different approaches from initial assessment through ongoing observation. Often in a standard addiction treatment setting, beyond initial and weekly calls from a licensed addiction recovery counselor, the family and the everyday home life of the individual is only marginally open to observation. We believe that allowing in home addiction treatment services in person and/ or virtually allows for greater insight into family systems, areas of stress, and triggering events. It also allows for more direct work with family in providing addiction recovery education and an understanding of the “Family Disease “.

Address the “Treatment Bubble”

Allowing addiction treatment at home can address the “Treatment Bubble” effect of standard addiction treatment models. Patients often experience significant stress and anxiety at discharge, believing that they cannot tolerate real life expectations, and stressors, and further believing that they have been “safe and protected in the “bubble “of the addiction treatment center. Our approach allows for real time experiences and the opportunity to implement coping skills daily in the patient’s life setting. In doing this daily with support from our licensed addiction recovery team, we believe we can increase the patient’s confidence in their ability to implement recovery skills when confronted with relapse triggers, thus improving outcomes for prolonged recovery.

Why Another Way Recovery Services?