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At-Home Detox and Addiction Recovery Services Provider

AWRS was created by and is owned by a Recovering Alcoholic and Veteran.
We specialize in the treatment of alcohol, benzodiazepines, synthetic opiates, opiates, cocaine, Adderall, Ambien, methamphetamines, as well as poly-substance abuse.
Our commitment is to have a highly-trained Detox nurse at your residence well within 24 hours of acceptance in our program within the states we operate. AWRS believes in a continuum of care far longer and individualized than that offered by traditional treatment operations.
Now accepting most commercial insurance in Tennessee, and we are actively working on coverage in Georgia and North Carolina. Unfortunately, we do not accept Medicaid a this time.

At-home Addiction Treatment

We are an At-Home provider for the treatment of Substance Use Disorder (SUD = Alcoholism and Drug Addiction) and Co-Occurring Mental Health Condition(s).
We have become known for our compassionate, non-judgemental, concierge treatment services. We are there for our patients 24/7 both during the detox period as well as our intensive telehealth-medicine services. Between these two levels of care, we offer a full continuum of care that can be 3 to 6x longer than traditional treatment; all from the comfort of your home.

We are here to treat you or your loved one suffering from addiction in the comfort and reality of the patient’s home. We are strong advocates of what is often referred to as the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Model, which has inspired us to create an At-Home approach to treating addiction. Combined, our medical and clinical professionals have over 100 years of experience treating the Disease of Addiction.

We believe it is extremely important for individuals struggling with addiction to alcohol and/or narcotics, as well as their loved ones, to understand this medical condition is considered to be a chronic (“incurable”) disease. We can not cure you, but our At-Home approach is proving to be quite effective with “arresting” the disease long-term.

Our Quick Philosophy and Resources

We believe institutionalization and the use of decades-old treatment methods have proven to be largely ineffective. In fact, for decades, we have consistently witnessed relapse rates at 70%+ within 180-days post-discharge from SUD treatment facilities. Nearly 100% of our medical, clinical, and administrative staff have worked in the traditional SUD treatment facility industry for many years.
Here at AWRS, we have multiple objectives but there are primarily two: Privacy and Effectiveness. Through our At-Home Detox and Recovery Services program, you will not disappear off the grid for weeks, nor does anyone need to know the purpose of say our discreetly dressed nurse hanging out for a week.
As a patient seeking treatment from the disease of addiction, you are protected by both HIPAA as well as ADA 1977.
Lastly, we actually care about the long-term outcomes of our patients and are always here to help in any way we legally can to help you get sober and help you remain sober.

We are available 24/7 and we are working diligently on In-Network insurance coverage and winning new contracts. Please fill out Check Insurance to see if AWRS’ services are covered by your health insurance.

Helping Patients Attain Sobriety and Maintain Recovery all from the Comfort and Privacy of Their Homes.

Another Way Recovery Services- Concierge at-home provider for Substance Use Disorder and Dual Diagnosis.
Another Way Recovery Services - At home detox and recovery services


At Home Detox

Intensive Counseling

Electronic Monitoring

Our primary goal is individualized care.

At Another Way Recovery Services, we provide at-home detox and recovery services for SUD and Co-Occurring mental disorders. We are an evidence-based recovery program focused on patient outcomes. We provide our services in Tennessee, Georgia, & North Carolina. Are you a candidate for our programs? Click below to read more.

Our Mission

Check Insurance


Greg, feeling great, just tired but I think that’s from the zpack doing its thing. I am just taking the weekend to rest and catch up on work/obligations ❤️ I am doing well and will call you tomorrow—- thank you for all you do and btw Roxann is an amazing and kind person”

Patient X

“Good morning Greg ,
I just want to thank you and your team for taking care of [Patient X]. I am so happy to see her on the road to recovery. I appreciate any advice you can offer me to help [Patient X] see this through. 🤗”

Patient X’s Loved One

Greg, feeling great, just tired but I think that’s from the zpack doing its thing. I am just taking the weekend to rest and catch up on work/obligations ❤️ I am doing well and will call you tomorrow—- thank you for all you do and btw Roxann is an amazing and kind person”

Patient X

“Good morning Greg ,
I just want to thank you and your team for taking care of [Patient X]. I am so happy to see her on the road to recovery. I appreciate any advice you can offer me to help [Patient X] see this through. 🤗”

Patient X’s Loved One

Another Way Recovery Services will put you in touch with a variety of conventional and unconventional healing techniques.

Start a New Life


Please complete the web form and see if your insurance plan covers our program.
After you fill out the form, a member of our team will contact you as soon as possible.